Career Coach for Students/Graduates

Career Coach for Graduates and College Students

Uncovering Your Own Career Roadmap

We help both graduates and college students with making informed career decisions. To do this we use both objective and subjective methods. Objectively, there are numerous tests that can tease out valuable information pertaining to personality type, interests, values and skills. Subjectively, there are all those things we think and know about ourselves. Then there are experiences. we are  firm believers in hands-on experiences. We love field trips, job shadowing and informational interviews. These are the things that truly make a difference. Seeing what a profession involves and learning about it firsthand are so much better than just reading about it.
As you will see from the following services: gathering information, sorting through the information, researching and exploring options, sorting through the options and developing a plan are very concrete steps designed to help you make informed career decisions now, as you prepare for the world, and later as you navigate your way around in the world of work. The services offered by are designed to complement any and all career services offered by your respective high schools or colleges. We are strong advocates of both high school guidance services and college career center services.

Step 1: Assessment & Testing
The first step in helping you uncover your own roadmap for a meaningful and successful career is to to first step back and look at who you are, where you have been and what is most important to you. You will complete several subjective career assessment activities related to your past experiences, interests, skills, values and motivations. You will also complete extensive career testing to help you objectively understand your personality, values, interests and motivations.
Step 2: Career Research & Exploration
During this phase of career coaching you will begin to conduct research on your top career possibilities that you uncovered during Step 1. THE MOST IMPORTANT step you can take before moving forward toward a career is to research it, talk to people in the career and see the career in action. This step is the one most frequently neglected for most of us. Your coach will guide you through this essential research process so that you can gather key information before moving forward in choosing a college major and/or career.
Step 3: Career Path Planning
Once you have narrowed your career path down to your top 2-3 choices, it is now time to create a personalized career development plan, addressing your 6 month, 1 year, 2 year, 5 year and 10 year career/life plan. Of course things can change, but this plan can serve as a guide as you begin the process of self/career discovery over the course of your lifetime.